The Accredited Management Accountant - Philippines (AMAP)

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Enhance Accounting & Financial Competencies

PAMA, in its vision to elevate the management accounting profession in the Philippines to be at par with the international standards, established the ACCREDITED MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT PHILIPPINES or AMAP. AMAP is a trademark registered with the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPO) and is envisioned to be a mark of excellence among key accounting and finance personnel.The said AMAP certification for management accountants will recognize the unique qualifications, excellence, and professional expertise of the AMAP holder in the field of management accounting.

The completion of the AMAP course program will enable one to become an Accredited Management Accountant Philippines or AMAP after passing the qualifying examination for each of the three (3) modules administered by the PAMA-AMAP Accreditation Board.

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The AMAP can push an employee up the career ladder

The Corporate world is highly competitive. An AMAP tucked under one’s sleeve will open new doors of opportunity, giving you an edge as it arms you with additional knowledge and technical expertise. With an AMAP certification, the opportunities to rise in the corporate world are greatly enhanced.

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Upgrade your Staff through the AMAP Program

Companies which have invested in their employees by enrolling them in the AMAP Course Program have benefited from the excellence and confidence which these professionals have acquired. The training and certification process has produced benefits in terms of higher performance, quality and productivity.